Susan sat on the bed and watched her student prepare himself alone for the first time. He began by choosing a pretty print dress with a full skirt from the closet. He carefully rolled a pair of tan pantyhose up his legs, fastened and padded his bra, pulled a frilly slip over his head and slipped on a pair of open toed shoes. Freshly painted nails shined through the sheer pantyhose as he stepped into the dress. "Can you zip me please," he asked her. he asked her. She walked over, fastened the back of the garment, and then returned to the bed'.

He swished over to the vanity and started to apply his make-up. With deliberate care he smoothed on a layer of foundation and a touch of blush. Turning his attention to his eyes he colored the lids with two shades of eyeshadow. Light green directly behind the lashes and a subtle gray blended in up to the eyebrows. He drew on two matching beads of eyeliner and brushed on coat after coat of mascara. Pausing a moment to glance in the mirror, the sight that he saw pleased him greatly. His lashes were long and curly and his expertly plucked eyebrows bordered the lid color like a picture frame.

He removed the rollers from his hair and with practiced excellence formed it into a gorgeous female style, with a cute bow decorating either side of his head. He revealed each ear with a feminine sway of the head and fastened a dainty earring from the lobe. A generous amount of perfume was dabbed behind each ear, stroked on the throat, and applied to each wrist. His final task was to put on his lipstick. Selecting a shiny cylinder from the rack on top of the vanity, he deftly drew the top curves of his lip and filled in the rest with a skillful hand.

He stood up, smoothed the dress and strode over the mirrors. After the first look he twirled around on his toes with delight. Susan caught him between twirls and practically crushed him with her hug. "You're incredible!" she cried in joy. He returned her embrace, happy to receive her com-


pliments once more.

The drive into town seemed short and soon they were pulling up in front of the police department. Terry checked his face and hair in a compact mirror before exiting the car. He walked proudly into the station and placed his purse on the counter. The men couldn't take their eyes off of him as they walked by. He smiled to them shyly and told the clerk behind the desk that he was there to see the probation officer.


He and Susan were taken down a hallway to a back office. As the probation officer rose to greet them he expressed his amazement at the transformation that stood before him. "Can this possibly be the same scruffy girl that was here in blue jeans a week ago?" he asked, astounded. "That is me, sir," Terry responded. "How has it been going?" he asked, turning to face Susan. "She's been an absolute angel," Susan replied enthusiastically. Terry heaved a silent sigh of relief. had been afraid that she would tell the officer about his attempted escape. As he looked over at her they exchanged a secret sort of smile that told both of them that they had known what the other person was thinking. He suddenly felt very close to her. "I'm sure glad to hear that! That makes my job easier. I won't keep you any longer today but I would like to see the both of you in two weeks. So long." They thanked him for his time and left. The officer sighed to himself. "What a beauty!"

"Since you've been so good, I'll treat you to lunch in town, "/ she told him as they walked outside. He had not been off the ranch dressed like this except for the night at the dance. He felt uncomfortable as he drew stares from the men they passed in the street and was glad when they were finally settled in a booth at the coffee shop.

A look of horror crossed his face as the waitress approached their table. It was the woman who had dried his coat for him the day he ate

He thought that she would recognize him for sure and expose his masquerade in front of all of
